Personnel Ministries
Our Mission
To support and provide resources to support our church in her mission of making disciples and growing our communities by:
1. Training all members as true disciples and effective trainers of disciple makers. True disciples learn, live and lead others like Christ (Jn 15:5-17; Matt 28;16-20);
2. Training all disciple makers to grow new churches of disciple makers (Eph 4:11-16, Heb 5:12-14);
“The Labourers are Few” Luke 10:2
“Let ministers teach church members that in order to grow spiritually, they must carry the burden that the Lord has laid upon them—the burden of leading souls into the truth. Those who are not fulflling their responsibility should be visited, prayed with, laboured for.”— Christian Service, p. 69.
“The work of God in this earth can never be fnished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church offcers.”—Gospel Workers, p. 352. Upon all who believe, God has placed a burden of raising up churches.’ (E. G. White, Medical Ministry, 315)
Our Vision
To make Chiswick church a centre of excellence in discipleship. Being true disciples and making effective disciple makers to support Chiswick in reaching our community.
Our Method
1. Monthly PM focussed sabbath program to help train and mobilise the church members to disciple within the communities where they live and worship;
2. Weekly time for sharing, affrmation and support personal and church witnessing and disciple making;
3. Formation of discipleship teams and groups to grow new disciples and church presence in new areas;
4. Formulation and support implementation of annual calendar of church “mission” activities A visit to some of our shut ins to raise their spirits and provide them with a basket of goods.