Community Ministries

Some of the ways we serve

The sunday shower service for homeless service users provides a place where they can shower, select clean clothes and have a hot meal. This service has been running successfully for a year.

During the recent lockdown we visited our neighbours to assess their needs, to let them know we were available to support them during the current crisis, and to offer doorstep prayers .

“Eat well to keep well” was the inspiration for donating gloves, hand sanitizers along with fruit hampers to residents in our local community. Whilst being unable to worship within the walls of our church, we were free to praise God outside in the courtyard. Many passersby were happy to stop and join in as they enjoyed our socially distanced praise sessions.

On December 5th we opened a foodbank to help meet the need in the local community. Our services are all run by volunteers. Please contact us if you would like to join a group where the focus is for people to empower people.
