Family Ministries
Aims & Goals
To promote an inclusive church family and represent the spectrum of diverse families and individuals which will ultimately strengthen disciples in our church family and in our local community. We are so blessed to represent such a unique and international church family which includes individuals from over 20 countries who are all part of our inclusive family.
The Family Ministries department includes:
Family Ministries
Men’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries
- Golden Age Club (for senior citizens in church and in our local community)
Our Focus
We all have a place in Gods family and our team have identifed some of the groups that we would like to minister to and support at Chiswick SDA Church. If you are married, divorced, are a single parent, senior citizens, single people, a man or a young man, a woman or a young woman, widowed, or have non-SDA or non-Christian spouse or you are a child; then we will do our best to include you in our programmes and activities.
If you or your family have a specifc need, please let us know and we will do our very best to minister to your needs or walk with you along your journey and point you to a source of help that may best suit your needs.
The family ministries team caters for spiritual, social and relationship needs of our diverse families and use some of these activities:
Encourage regular family worship in every home; develop the spiritual growth of individual family units. Develop a mentoring programme in conjunction with the Teens ministries and the AYS department. Host family social events and encourage families to join and extend an invitation to all families in our local community to attend our church programmes.
Men Ministries
- To support men to be faithful to God in all aspects of their lives. Some of the activities include a regular online “Cave Man” talks for men. Host a discipleship programme for men, start a men’s choir mentorship programme and a men’s cooking competition.
Women Ministries
- To help women to know Jesus passionately and serve and disciple other women and through this vision. Some of our activities include encouraging women to spend more time in prayer, bible study and read other spiritual books to enable women to deepen their faith and experience. To be united as women and embrace cultural differences as well as building each other’s confdence to enable identifcation of our talents. To help women who are struggling due to a variety of reasons.
Golden Age Club
- To provide a sense of community and reduce loneliness among our seniors. Our activities include our weekly club on a Tuesday as well as reaching out to our senior members. Develop a programme of regular visitation of “shut-ins”. Encourage more seniors from Chiswick to attend our weekly club and extend the club membership to our local community.